10 Tips To Speed Up Your Bootstrap Development Process

 10 Tips to Speed Up Your Bootstrap Development Process

Does Bootstrap development seem like a daunting task? It doesn’t have to be! Bootstrap is an open-source front-end framework that allows developers to create responsive designs without having to code from scratch. Bootstrap gives you the opportunity to save time and money by using prebuilt components, templates, and more. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 tips that will help speed up your Bootstrap development process.

Tip #01: Familiarize Yourself with Bootstrap’s Grid System

Bootstrap’s grid system is one of the most important features of the framework. It allows you to create responsive designs using a 12-column grid. The grid can be customized to fit your needs, but it’s important to understand how it works before starting your project. Bootstrap also provides helpful classes that allow you to easily change the size and alignment of your content.

Tip #02: Use Bootstrap’s Built-In Components

Bootstrap comes with a variety of built-in components that make development easier. These components include buttons, forms, navigation bars, and more. You can find all of these components in the Bootstrap documentation or Bootstrap’s Bootbox Element. Bootbox is a tool that allows you to quickly create common Bootstrap components without having to write any code.

Tip #03: Check Out Bootswatch Themes

Bootstrap comes with some default themes, but what if none of these templates fit your project needs? You can find an excellent collection of Bootstrap themes on the Bootswatch website. There are over 80 free and premium themes available for previewing at the time this blog post was written. Make sure to check out all of their prebuilt examples so you get an idea for how each theme works before deciding which one best fits your project goals!

Tip #04: Use Pre-Built Templates & Layouts

Once you have familiarized yourself with Bootstrap’s grid system and components, you can start using pre-built templates and layouts. Bootstrap offers a variety of templates that can be used for different types of projects. You can find these templates on the Bootstrap website or in the Bootstrap documentation. Templates are a great way to get started quickly with your project and they often include predefined styles and scripts that you can use in your own project.

Tip #05: Use LESS or Sass With Bootstrap

When working with Bootstrap, it’s important to use a CSS preprocessor such as Less or Sass. These tools allow you to write cleaner code, create variables, mixins, and more. In addition, both Less and Sass come with built-in Bootstrap features that allow Bootstrap components to be written in a more concise format.

You can use Bootstrap’s Less or Sass files with any preprocessor by including the appropriate import file at the top of your CSS document. You may also want to investigate using Bootswatch themes, as many are already coded in both LESS and Sass! Using these tools will help you create cleaner code while still taking advantage of Bootstrap’s built-in styles.

Tip #06: Use Grunt With Bootstrap

Grunt is another tool that comes packed with Bootstrapping benefits. This JavaScript task runner allows developers to automate several processes such as minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc.. These tasks can be run individually or in a specific order to help speed up your development process. Grunt also allows you to use plugins that provide additional features, such as Bootstrap’s own grunt- Bootstrap plugin. This plugin includes tasks for compiling Bootstrap’s Less files, creating custom themes, and more!

If you are not already using Grunt, we recommend taking the time to learn more about it and how it can benefit your Bootstrap projects.

Tip #07: Use Browserify With Bootstrap

Browserify is another popular JavaScript tool that can be used with Bootstrap. This tool allows you to write modular code that can be easily require() ‘d into other files. In addition, Browserify comes with built-in transforms that allow you to use Bootstrap’s Less and Sass files without having to preprocess them.

If you are not already using Browserify, we recommend taking the time to learn more about it and how it can benefit your Bootstrap projects.

Tip #08: Use a Custom Bootstrap Build

Bootstrap is constantly being updated with new features and bug fixes. In some cases, you may want to use a custom build of Bootstrap that includes only the features you need. This can be done by creating a custom Bootstrap build or downloading an existing one from the internet. There are several ways to create a custom build, but we recommend using the Gruntfile provided by Bootstrap. This file allows you to easily include or exclude components, scripts, and fonts from your build.

If you are not already using Grunt, we recommend taking the time to learn more about it and how it can benefit your Bootstrap projects.

Tip #09: Use a Custom Bootstrap Theme

Bootstrap themes allow you to quickly change the look and feel of your Bootstrap project. Bootstrap comes with several built-in themes that you can use right out of the box, or you can create your own custom theme. There are several ways to create a custom Bootstrap theme, but we recommend using Less or Sass files to customize your project’s look and feel.

If you are not already using Less or Sass in your development process, we recommend taking the time to learn more about them and how they can benefit your Bootstrap projects.

Tip #010: Use Bootswatch Themes

Bootstrap comes with several built-in themes that allow you to quickly change the look of your project, but Bootswatch has many bootstrap themes available for download. These are completely free (some even open source) and come in a variety of styles including flat design, material design, etc.. Using these easy-to-install Bootswatch themes is an excellent way to give your Bootstrapped site a fresh new feel! We don’t need any special instructions for this tip because it should be self explanatory 🙂 .


Bootstrapping your own business doesn’t have to be difficult. With these 10 tips, you can streamline the development process and save time in order to get back into actually running your company instead of spending it on designing or programming. If you are just getting started with bootstrapping, this list will give you a jump start. Which tip is going to help you out most? We want to hear what you think! Leave us a comment below with what one thing from our list has helped accelerate your digital marketing efforts the most so far today.


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